Customer Testimonials

I had a question about my order, anita responded in the blink of an eye... I am impressed. I ordered several designs on cd and can't wait to try these cute, wonderful designs! Janis
Janis D. from Bessemer
March 24, 2009
Anita To The Rescue Again!!!!
I belong to several yahoo groups that i ask a lot of questions to since i am new to this. But, it seems that anita always answers the questions. Seems like no matter what time of day or night i ask her something, she answers. I know she told me once that she does sleep. But now i know, she does not. Anita is a lifesaver when it comes to this embroidery. She is the greatest. Thanks
Cherie H. from Hammond
March 23, 2009
Love Everything
I just love everything. Can't wait for more to come.
Tammy K. from Fountain Inn
March 22, 2009
Great Customer Service!!
You can't beat anita's customer service.. She is always quick to respond to any questions and offers top quality products!
Paige B. from DeRidder
March 19, 2009
Customer Testimonial
What a great help i found after messing up my order!!! It was reset by anita and i was able to download and work at it, like now!!! Thanks
Eugenia M. from Arden Hills
March 18, 2009
The Best!
I love all your designs. I just can't quit buying them!!! I am always anxious to see what your creative self will do next! Always top sewouts! Thanks!!! Suzi
Suzi J. from Bartlett
March 17, 2009
Anita Is An Angel!!!!
I love her designs and her customer service is superb!!! She has been very quick at repling and has answered all of my questions! The designs stitch so nicely. Thank you so much for your help and designs.
Lindy E. from Glenpool
March 16, 2009
You Are Awesome!
I'm in awe of your talent. I just made 2 sets of the key chain and matching quilted checkbook. How do you figure these things out to digitize them? It went so smoothly and they turned out so cute - i can't wait to make them for all my friends and daughter-in-laws. Thank you for making the 5x7 size. I can't wait for the coin purse! Audrey
Audrey K. from Alexandria
March 12, 2009
Checkbook Cover
Anita love your checkbook cover and can't wait to stitch the companions too it. I own several checkbook but yours is my favorite. Keep up the great work. Joann
Joann G. from orleans
March 11, 2009
Customer Testimonial
Thanks amillion for giving me a second chance to get my "tweet heart" order-love your designs! Keep up the good work-gerry morgan brownfield tx
Gerry M. from brownfield
March 11, 2009
How Easy!
I messed up my very first order, but by the end of the day, anita had me all fixed up and ready to sew! How fabulous is that?!?!
Becky C. from Willis
March 10, 2009
Anita To The Rescue, Again!!
I wanted to try embroidery applique and had no idea what some of the people on the tutorials were talking about. I asked anita about it, and she got back with me and told me about her applique tutorial. I read 3 pages and looked at the pictures. I feel sure that i can do this now. Applique intimidated me, but after looking at her picture tutorial, i am not intimidated anymore. Thanks anita. You are the greatest.
Cherie H. from Hammond
March 5, 2009
Fantastic Response
I am in the uk and needed to do towels with the whimsy dot font, i found i had lost my 'y' emailed anita to buy it and she emailed me back almost immediately with it attached. What can i say apart from fantastic and thank you ever so much for such wonderful service to your customers. Maggie
Maggie T. from Wemyss Bay
March 1, 2009
Customer Testimonial
Anita, thank you so much for your quick help. I was amazed at how quickly you responded and helped me with my problems. Sure makes me want to buy from you again!!! Have a blessed day! Connie
Connie P. from Bulverde
February 25, 2009
Customer Testimonial
I loved making the checkbook cover and key chain. Your instructions are easy to follow. I can't wait to give these as gifts to my family. They will love them. Can't wait to see what you have next.
Janine D. from Parma
February 24, 2009
You Rock
Anita you are the greatest... I love your designs and your willingness to help. I thank you so much for the help you provided me. Many blessings
Polly F. from Oxnard
February 24, 2009
Five Star Fonts Embroidery © 2024